By Pearl
Yesterday afternoon we spent a couple hours showing Minimus's new owners all the details about handling her, what was where and so forth.
Following are some pictures of them and others who have helped us find Minimus a new home.
Richard Neufeld, a live-aboard boat owner in the marina. We had the pleasure of meeting Richard soon after we got to Raiatea. He's a generous and super nice guy. He was most encouraging about selling Minimus and gave us lots of good advice. He also had agreed to look after her if we had to leave before selling. Thank you Richard!
Richard lives here half the year, during the austral winter and the other half in North Carolina. While he's here, he does all manner of boat repairs, upgrades and installations, specializing in boat electronics. Richard has a knack for solving problems that stump others. |
From left to right, David, Melodie, Pearl, Hainui, Hanitea Oceane and Kevin.
Melodie is a broker with Raiatea Yacht Sales. She gave us invaluable help with the paperwork to sell Minimus in French Polynesia. She's very down-to-earth and took care of the paperwork quickly and efficiently. Thanks Melodie! |
Hainui and baby Hani. We were pleased to see that Hani took to boat life easily... |
...whether on deck or in the cabin. We never dreamed the lee cloths would come in handy for a baby crib. |
Hani wakes to investigate the galley. |
It is great you can feel good about who is the new owner!