Sunday, June 25, 2017

Nuku Hiva, 6-25-2017--Flu

By Pearl

Thanks for everyone's good wishes, encouragement and prayers.

I'm happy to report that while David is nowhere close to being back to normal, his temperature is near normal and he's feeling somewhat better.  He even came with me through some pretty impressive surf to spend some social time at the Snack.  

It just happens that our nearest boat neighbors, Chuck and Karen, are a couple from Banff, Alberta.  Chuck is a retired ER doctor whose obvious love of diagnosis was piqued when I told him about David's recent medical saga.  He said he was awake part of the night thinking it over.  

He invited us over to their boat this morning to hear more about the case and for him to check David out.  First he sat and asked questions for about half an hour, then did a careful physical exam.  He concurred with Ramesh that this latest bug was probably a separate event from the septicemia, which probably hit David harder than others because he wasn't fully recovered from the septicemia yet.  

Chuck's comment at the end was "This is a really complex case.  It's one for the books."

His gentle approach and encouragement meant a lot to us.  We're still left with many questions and uncertainties and still find ourselves spending full time trying to figure out how we're going to dodge the requirement to be out of the country by July 5 while giving David time to recover and get the boat ready.  

It's been really hard to watch our friends head to sea one by one and disappear from our lives, not knowing when or if we can follow them. 

Meanwhile, there's a new crowd at the Snack, the uke's are humming and, at least for the moment, it  feels like life is on the upswing.    


  1. Praying for clarity and peace in upcoming decisions. Ted and Hannah

  2. In your case, a deadline is probably a good thing. Hope all goes the way you want.

  3. the comings and goings in a tropic harbor ... one comes to treasure those friendships, and after some months and years one also comes to say with no sense of irony, "Have a nice life!" at the partings. In Tahitian I remember there was no hello and no goodbye, only the phrases exchanged, "You go" and "You stay" for one never knew who'd come back from beyond the reef. The farewell hand gesture was, in my day, a motion of "come to me" with the hands!
    my day is made with the news of David's improving state!

  4. We anxiously look for your news, day by day. So hopeful that David makes sure and complete progress to good health, and that you can somehow figure it all out. All our best. D&J

  5. A retired ER doctor! You've had some good fortune in having support and care appear... May David's health continue to build and improve.


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