Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ua Pou 5-2-2017--Exploring the village

This post is heavy on images.  For more text, check the message section on our tracking page:


Outrigger canoe. These are a dying breed except for the outrigger sport paddling canoes which are quite popular.

A group of teenage girls who delighted in trying to speak English with us amid peals of laughter.

Some of the volcanic spires on Ua Pou. 

Goodies at the bakery

A French "cup" of coffee.  Pathetic, eh?

And speaking of pathetic, these are my Keen water sandals after less than a week of wear.  Another sailor also reported having his almost new Keen sandals come apart. 

More straps coming apart on my practically new Keen sandals. A replacement that would be so easy back home is practically impossible here.  Time for the epoxy.

Portland sailors Terry, a retired environmental lawyer, and his son Emerson.  They plan to sail to Hawaii and then back to Portland from here.  We've shared a couple anchorages with them and have really enjoyed getting to know them.

Pearl shops for a baguette fresh from the oven.


  1. The food looks amazing there, as does the scenery.

  2. I see the French influence in the bakery and coffee. Breakfast routines are hard to change. I had bread, peanut butter, and coffee every morning for three years in Senegal. Just couldn't change.


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